1-2-1 Coaching

Individual support and coaching to overcome your unique challenges

The simple aim of parent coaching is to make the often challenging job of being a parent easier.

As is so often quoted, children do not come with an instruction manual, but they do come with advice and plenty of it - even from strangers! I suspect you don’t need more advice, but if you’re here, you’re seeking something to help make this journey more fun and to give you confidence that you’re on the right track. I guess you’re after peace of mind and knowing that you’re doing the right thing for your children. If my guess is correct, you’re in the right place. 1-2-1 parent coaching can help you parent calmly and confidently.

What to Expect

After an introductory session, we’ll schedule your sessions (two weeks apart), and then the journey can begin! We’ll start with a question then…

I will listen to you, and without judgement, I will hear your thoughts, hopes, stresses, dreams, frustrations, and anxieties.

I believe that you are infinitely capable of discovering your own path, but without pausing and gifting yourself time to think, it can feel like an impossibility. Coaching with me is that gift of time. With gentle questioning, I will encourage you to think, to independently go to the edge of your own thinking and beyond. Coaching with me allows you to grow in self-awareness, clarity and confidence which I believe to be the keys to parenting well.

Sometimes, you may need information, and if this is the case, I will share my extensive knowledge on particular aspects of child development, ways to communicate or options for how to address challenging behaviour.

Then I’ll send you on your way to practice being the new you. It does take practice; your time with me is only the catalyst; your life is where the change happens. Knowing and achieving what you want usually doesn’t happen in a single session, but each session builds on the previous one and one day, you’ll find yourself doing the process all by yourself. Asking yourself the questions I’ve asked you and leaping over your barriers without me because my job is to ignite your independent thinking. Your job is to embrace the possibilities - to imagine a new way of being and to courageously begin.

Explore the challenges you can overcome with personal coaching.

RE-EVALUATING YOU!; returning to work; finding balance; resolving conflict; finding confidence; finding time for your health; finding calm during exams; Overcoming Worries & Concerns; HELPING TWEENS/TEENS THRIVE; RAISING BALANCED KIDS

If you are interested in 1-2-1 coaching, please book an IGNITE CHANGE session. This 45-minute session is FREE and will help you to explore what you want to accomplish. Coaching is not always the solution to your challenges, so this session ensures you get the desired results with the services you need.

Until we are free to think for ourselves, our dreams are not free to unfold.
— Nancy Kline

I coach using Nancy Kline’s Thinking Session®. To find out more about Nancy Kline, Time to Think and The Ten Components of a Thinking Environment® please visit www.timetothink.com or read More Time to Think by Nancy Kline.