Giving you attention, support & courage to parent at your best

Would you like some calm headspace among the chaos and bustle to figure things out?

Schedule a free IGNITE CHANGE session to discover how I can support you to enjoy a family life free from the exhaustion of daily parenting challenges.

Top Parenting Tip

According to Dr Dan Siegel, the most reliable indicator of a child’s well-being is the depth of the parent’s self-understanding. Developing that understanding can take many forms, but journalling is one of those ways, and it’s free!

Read my blog to discover how to journal, why it’s important and ways to get started.

Journalling: An Important Parenting Tool

Click below to get your FREE copy of Journalling Prompts for Parents with 50 inspiring ideas.


Webinar and Q&A

Saturday 1st June 10:30 - 11:15 AM

Do you have a fussy eater you’d love to become more adventurous?

Over at Raising Adventurous Eaters, we’ve worked hard on free resources to help you have fun, calm, and nutritious meal times.

A short video sharing quick and easy wins for immediate impact.

8 short mindful practices to energise, rejuvenate, and find calm. They’re family-friendly, too, so if you don’t have a moment alone, do them with your kids so you can both find balance!

Having fun with kids in the kitchen doesn’t have to mean a big, messy operation. Check out our tips for easy ways & fun gadgets to help your child shift from fussy to adventurous.

FREE! Parenting Teens

A free in-person support group for parents of teenagers

Join local parents to get the information you need, untangle your problems, share the wisdom you've gained, have a laugh and unburden yourself from dealing with teen parenting challenges alone. All in a fun, informal setting in Hither Green, South East London.

Sound good?

CLICK HERE for more information, or book your spot below.


How do I decide to work with a coach? How do I know coaching will help me? Will it be hard? Shouldn’t I just know how to parent?

Of course, you have questions - it would be odd not to!

This is why I offer a FREE no-obligation session - your first step to ignite the change you want to see.

There’s nothing to lose so book an IGNITE CHANGE SESSION HERE

What do you love, admire or appreciate about your child?
Have you shared that with them today?

Have space to think, be encouraged & inspired in 1-2-1 sessions.

Feeling guilting about past parenting? Do you feel you yelled too much, enforced the naughty step or even resorted to punishments like spanking? It is impossible to be a perfect parent, but it is possible to repair any hurt caused.

Click below to read how…

Guilt can drive a wedge between you and your child and you can ditch it! If you would like support on a 1-2-1 basis please book an IGNITE CHANGE session to find out how I can help.


I just wanted to thank you for such an enlightening and helpful coaching session...something has shifted in my consciousness since our session - almost like a release and I’m finding it so much easier...
— Ali

Explore, discover & grow with a workshop designed to give you the space to think and the essential information to parent at your best.

Thanks ever so much for the recent coaching sessions. They have really helped me to ‘unpack’ some of the things I find particularly challenging when it comes to parenting and you were always so kind and warm, putting me at ease.
— Hayley